EuMINe Dissemination and ITC Conference Grants

EuMINe invites researchers and investigators to submit applications for Dissemination Grants and for ITC Conference Grants.

If you are from an eligible participating country, namely a Participating COST Country, you can apply for Dissemination Grants and for ITC Conference Grants. For the list of participating countries, please see the EuMINe Memorandum of Understanding. Participants from an approved COST Near Neighbor Country (NNC) or an approved International Partners Country (IPC) can also be considered. 

Dissemination Conference Grants provides financial support to EuMINe participants for a presentation of the EuMINe COST Action at high-level conferences fully organized by a third party. The grant aims at increasing the visibility of the Action in the research community, attract additional participants and stakeholders and disseminate EuMINe results. The EuMINe Action will support grantees with a contribution of up to 1500 EUR.

Any participant in one of more of the EuMINe WGs is eligible to apply. Applicants should participate in an external event/conference/workshop, giving an oral or poster presentation with main subject and focus on the topic of EuMINe, also acknowledging the COST Programme.

Although there is no deadline for application, the presentation at the target event/conference must take place before 30 September 2024. Apply as soon as possible as grants are awarded on a first-come first-served basis.

For further information or inquiries about the Dissemination Grants please contact us at

The guide for Dissemination Grants applications can be found here.

ITC Conference grants provide financial support for Young Researchers (< 40 years old) and Innovators affiliated in an Inclusiveness Target Country/Near Neighbour Country for their participation in high-level conferences that are not organized by Cost Actions. The grantee receives support (up to 2000 EUR) for attending and presenting their work (poster/oral presentation) at a conference or meeting, aimed at establishing new contacts for future collaborations.

Although there is no deadline for application, the presentation at the target event/conference must take place before 30 September 2024. Apply as soon as possible as grants are awarded on a first-come first-served basis.

For further information or inquiries about the Dissemination Grants please contact us at

The guide for ITC Grants applications can be found here.

For more information about EuMINe Grants, please also contact Prof Emilija FIDANCHEVSKI (