EuMINe Short Term Scientific Missions

EuMINe invites researchers and investigators to submit applications for Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs). 

If you are from an eligible participating country, namely a Participating COST Country, you can apply for a grant to carry out a Short-Term Scientific Mission (STSM). For the list of participating countries, please see the EuMINe Memorandum of Understanding. Participants from an approved COST Near Neighbor Country (NNC) or an approved International Partners Country (IPC) can also be considered.

A STSM is a visit from one COST participating country to another COST participating country. This could be to work on a jointly authored article, to carry out laboratory work, to learn a new research method, to work on a joint research proposal or any other activity linked to the research on EuMINe objectives.

Applicants must make a clear case that their STSM is relevant to the topic of the EuMINe COST Action. They should specify the expected outcome and explain clearly not only how the STSM will enhance their own research but also why the host Institution is appropriate and what value will be added by the collaboration. They must also ensure that they can provide evidence of the commitment of the host Institution to host the STSM and provide the name of the person in the host Institution who will supervise it.

STSM applicants must be engaged in a research programme as a PhD student or postdoctoral fellow, or be employed by or officially affiliated to an institution or legal entity. This institution is considered as the Home institution.

The guide for STSM applications can be found here.

We are pleased to launch the second call for STSM of the EuMINe COST Action!

  1. Applications can be submitted until to 15th June, 2024 20th June 2024.
  2. Applications will be evaluated and the results announced on 25th June, 2024 30th June 2024.
  3. The missions have to finish before September 10th, 2024. Grantees are kindly requested to submit their scientific report up to 30 days after the finish of STSM.

Deadline for End-of-Mission Reports Submission: within 30 days after the STSM end date or by 11th October at the latest.

Please contact Prof Emilija FIDANCHEVSKI ( for more information.